Our Frequently Asked Questions

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Skin Care: Facials & More

What is a facial? Why do I need one?

A facial is a professional cleansing, purifying, and beautifying treatment of the skin on the face and neck. Facials are the number one treatment performed by estheticians, and a good way for your therapist to get a good understanding of your skin prior to suggesting additional treatments. There are many variations of facials based on different skin care needs, as well as different lengths of time.

How do I prepare for a facial?

Be sure to allow enough time to fill out a comprehensive intake prior to your treatment. Plan to arrive a little early so you will not feel rushed and can enjoy the entire length of your treatment. Remember that your hair may become damp during the facial, and will usually be held back from your face with a soft wrap or headband, so you may not want to schedule a public appearance right after your facial! There is no need to remove your makeup prior to the appointment, as it will be cleansed off during the facial.

What should I expect from my facial?

Facials are generally very relaxing and soothing. We will explain to you what the treatment steps will be. Be sure to communicate with your esthetician during the facial if any product burns, itches, or if you need anything or have any questions. A basic facial generally includes the following steps:

  • Cleansing of the skin.

  • Skin analysis.

  • Exfoliation by mechanical or chemical means.

  • Massage of the face and neck, to aid in relaxation and stimulate blood and oxygen flow to the skin.

  • Extraction of blackheads and other impurities.

We will then go over which professional home care products will be beneficial for you to continue the improvement in your skin following your professional treatment. This way, you will be using products that maximize benefits and prolong the effects of your treatment.

What is microdermabrasion, and how will I benefit from it?

Microdermabrasion is a method of exfoliation that uses a machine to remove dead surface skin cells and initiate cellular turnover.

The two most common methods are crystal and diamond. The crystal method uses a wand which sprays fine crystals onto the skin, loosening and removing dead skin cells, while simultaneously using vacuum suction to remove the used crystals and dead skin. It has been compared to a mild “sandblasting” of the skin. The diamond method uses a diamond-tipped wand to sand and resurface the skin, combined with suction to remove the dead skin cells. Both methods stimulate blood circulation and revitalize collagen production, which promotes younger-looking skin. The degree of exfoliation depends on the number of passes, level of crystal spray or coarseness of the diamond wand, the pressure and suction used, and the frequency of treatment.

Microdermabrasion can be helpful to treat aging and sun-damaged skin, altered pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, and some types of acne and acne scarring. Results may include improved skin tone, reduced visual appearance of aging, fewer breakouts, diminished appearance of scars, refined skin pores, renewed elasticity, and a healthy glow.

What causes acne? How can skin care treatments help?

Acne is the most common skin disorder, and 85 percent of all Americans will experience it some time in their lifetime. While commonly thought to be an adolescent problem, it can appear at any age, most often on the face, back, and chest.

The causes of acne are complex, but usually involve the overproduction of oil, the blockage of follicles that release the oil, and the growth of bacteria in those follicles. This can be triggered by many things, including a change in medications or a change in hormone levels caused by stress or other factors. It’s important to treat acne early to avoid scarring.

There are 4 grades of acne. Grade 1 is the mildest form, with open and closed comedones (whiteheads and blackheads). Grades 2 and 3 include papules and pustules as well. Grade 4 is the most advanced form, with all the above plus the appearance of cysts or nodules beneath the skin surface, that can be dime size or larger and often require medical attention to treat. Acne is not only painful but can be very emotionally and psychologically challenging as well.

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is an acid solution that is applied to the skin. It dissolves the outermost layer of skin cells, which then peels off over the following days to reveal the fresher, younger layer below. Peels are very effective in treating a large range of skin concerns such as aging, sun damage, acne, mild scarring, improving skin brightness, and evening skin tone.

Peels can be light, moderate or deep. Light peels require no down time from work and your normal activities. Moderate peels may require a day or two, and deep peels can require a week or more of down time to allow the skin to fully heal. Estheticians who are not working in a medical setting perform light to moderate peels only. Deep peels can only be performed by a physician, or under a physician’s supervision, for your safety.

How do I prepare for a peel?

Most skin colors and types can benefit from chemical peels, though it is best to check with your esthetician about which peel might be right for you.  We will review any contraindications with you prior to your treatment to determine if a chemical peel is right for you. Be sure to answer all questions honestly and completely on your consultation form prior to your peel.

Who can benefit from acne treatment?

Anyone who has acne can benefit from treatment. Acne sufferers often state their quality of life and self-esteem improves dramatically once their acne is alleviated. If you are seeking a licensed esthetician’s care, chances are you’ve already tried over-the-counter preparations with disappointing results.

Depending on the grade of your acne, your esthetician will go over the treatment options that would be the most successful for you. If you have Grade 4 acne, your esthetician will refer you to a dermatologist who can treat it medically. Once your acne is under control and improving, your esthetician can suggest treatments that will assist you in accelerating the healing process, relieving pigmentation which often accompanies acne.

What should I expect when visiting my esthetician for acne treatment?

Be ready to fill out a medical questionnaire and describe what medications and skin care products you are using. Your therapist will do an analysis of your skin, look for any interactions between products and medications, and devise a treatment plan that’s suitable for your unique needs. Keep in mind that results require a commitment on your behalf to follow a prescribed home care and professional treatment program. This often involves a series of professional treatments. It takes time to balance the skin and treat acne. Though results may not happen overnight, you are on the path to reclaiming your beautiful, clear skin!

Eyelash and Brow Tinting

What is eyelash tinting? 

Eyelash Tinting is a 25~30 minute procedure in which eyelashes are dyed from root to tip, giving them a darker, fuller, more dramatic appearance. Eyelash tinting eliminates the need for mascara by darkening each lash. For those with sparse or blond lashes, as well as those who’s dark lashes have been bleached by the sun, lash tinting is a great alternative to daily mascara use.  Tinting darkens smaller, barely visible lashes, thus filling out the lash line. The result of lash tinting is fuller, longer-looking lashes and a more smoldering gaze.

What is the eyelash tinting process? 

Lash tinting is similar to getting your hair dyed.  A gentle plant-based dye is carefully applied to the eyelasheswith a small disposable brush similar to the shape of a mascara wand. Within 10~15 minutes the lashes are darkened and the dye is removed with soft cotton and water.

How long will it last? 

Lash tints can last from 2 to 6 weeks.  Eyelashes naturally fall out according to the growth cycle of lashes, so duration of your tint will depend in part on which part of the growth cycle your lashes are in at the time of tinting.

How frequently should lashes be tinted? 

To maintain the darkest fullest look, lash tinting should be repeated every 4 weeks.

Will tinting my eyelashes be painful? 

The treatment should be virtual painless.If the dye gets into your eye it can cause your eyes to be irritated and/or sting slightly, but this will not last long after it is rinsed with water.. Eyelash tinting is not for everyone, as some people have extremely sensitives kin or are allergic to color additives or hair dye.

Do you use special dye for eyelash tinting? 

Yes. The dye is made of vegetable dye and is completely safe.

What is brow tinting? 

Brow Tinting is a 15~20 minute process in which dye is applied to the eyebrows to make them more visible, defined and fuller looking.

Eyelash Extensions

What Are Eyelash Extensions?

Eyelash Extensions are individual strands of synthetic fibers made to replicate a natural eyelash. When applied, eyelash extensions lengthen and thicken your own natural eyelashes. The single strands are applied to each individual eyelash, one by one. With proper application, lash extensions look and feel completely natural.

How long will a set of Eyelash Extensions last? 

When applied by one of our professionals, eyelash extensions will last the length of the natural growth cycle of your own eyelashes. Depending on your activity and day-to-day routine, refills should only be required every 2 to 4 weeks.

Are lash extensions safe? 

C. Beal Beauty Boutqiue only uses professional grade adhesive which never comes in contact with your skin. Synthetic eyelashes adhere about 1mm away from your skin.

Can I apply mascara to Eyelash Extensions? 

Our eyelash extensions are designed to give your natural lashes an improved look of fullness so mascara is not needed. However, if you feel the need to wear mascara we suggest a water based mascara.

Can I swim, shower, exercise, or visit a spa while wearing eyelash extensions? 

We do ask you to minimize the chance of wetting the extensions for the first 48 hours of wear. After that 48-hour period, the adhesive used to apply your eyelash extensions is secure enough to allow you to get right back to your routine. However, keeping away from extensive contact with steam such as in saunas or certain facials is recommended since it can begin to loosen the bond.

How long will it take to apply eyelash extensions and how is it done? 

The application process for lash extensions normally takes about 90-120 minutes for a full set of lashes and 45-60 minutes for a refill. You will lay comfortably on a massage table or in a zero gravity chair with your eyes closed. During application, your lower lashes will be covered and the extensions will be applied only to your upper lashes one at a time. 

How do I choose the look I want? 

We will consult with you to understand what type of style you are interested in and what look will work best with your eye shape, while maintaining the health of your natural lashes.


What is eyebrow sculpting?

Custom eyebrow sculpting is the art of creating the perfect set of custom brows for each individual based on their face shape. Brow sculpting includes trimming, tweezing and waxing the eyebrows. It is important to remember no two person’s eyebrows can look the same and the eyebrows on your face are sisters and not twins.

How often should I receive an eyebrow wax?

Each individual’s rate of growth is different. For brows, most client’s visit every 2 weeks. We are firm believers in giving your brows the chance to grow out between appointments. We recommend that you don’t tweeze your brows in between services , this helps your brows growth rate to be at the same pace

What is the difference between a bikini and Brazilian?

Bikini- We wax just outside of your underwear line.

Brazilian- A Brazilian wax removes all hair from the pubic region from the top to the labia and even between the cheeks.

Should I trim my hair prior to my appointment?

NO! In most cases this isn’t necessary. If trimming is necessary, we will do so prior to your service.

Does a Brazilian wax hurt?

There is a level of discomfort during a Brazilian, especially if it’s your first time. We do everything in our power to make your experience more comfortable.

How often should I receive a Bikini or Brazilian wax?

For Bikini and Brazilian waxing we recommend every 4 weeks. Again, this can be adjusted based on your individual hair growth rate.

I’m pregnant. Can I still get a Brazilian wax?

It’s best to consult your doctor before you book. Although it’s generally safe to wax after your first trimester.

Should I get waxed the day of a big event?

If it’s your first time waxing we recommend booking your wax 2 or 3 days before a big event such as your wedding.

What if I get my period before my appointment?

It’s always best to avoid scheduling your Brazilian waxes for while you are menstruating.

When should I NOT wax?

You should never wax if you are on an acne medication such as Accutane, Differin, Retin-A or any other skin thinning or blood thinning medications. Waxing while on these medications can cause the skin to lift. Steer clear of waxing any area with varicose veins, sunburn, an STI or contagious skin infection. If you have undergone cosmetic treatments such as chemical peels you should wait at least six weeks before getting waxed.

What is the normal skin reaction to waxing?

It is normal for your skin to show redness after waxing. Some skin is more sensitive than others and reactions may range from no redness at all to very red. The first time you wax an area, or if it has been a while since your last waxing, you will probably experience some redness and sensitivity afterwards. This usually subsides within a few hours, or for very sensitive skin within 24 hours.


What is sugaring?

Sugaring has been around for centuries originating in Egypt where Cleopatra was known to have sugaring done as a beauty ritual.  Women all over the world have passed on the art of sugaring hair removal. Body sugaring is an ancient Egyptian method of hair removal using a 100% natural paste of sugar, lemon and water.

Some prefer sugaring to waxing as they feel it is less painful than traditional waxing. Sugaring paste is warm or applied at room temperature and warms to your body heat, therefore it cannot burn your skin. Some people's skin type can be sensitive to waxing, therefore sugaring is a great alternative.

I've never been sugared before; how is it done?

A warmed sugar paste* is massaged onto the skin and then removed with a flicking motion of the wrist extracting hair from the follicle in the direction of the hair growth.

The sugar paste lubricates the follicles and gently slides the hair out in the natural direction of growth so there is no pulling on the skin and hair breakage. That can mean no more ingrown hairs with proper post skin care. Regular body sugaring treatments leads to reduced hair growth meaning less hair, fewer treatments and a decrease in any discomfort.

*The sugar paste looks like thick honey and is smooth and pliable when warmed; it is nothing at all like the grainy exfoliating sugar body scrubs.

Can I be burned?

The sugar is NEVER hot. The paste is applied at a lukewarm temperature.

Does sugaring hurt as much as waxing?

Many clients describe their sugaring experiences as less painful than waxing. Also, they have found that any residual redness, if any, post treatment diminishes much more quickly. Keep in mind that hair is being removed from the follicle at the root so the extraction is not completely sensation-free. However, with regular sugaring the skin will become desensitized.

How long does my hair need to be?

We suggest hair growth length of 1/8”, but not longer than 1/4”.

How often will I need treatment?

The general rule of thumb is 4-6 weeks. Treatments scheduled closer together result in faster hair refinement. Appointments will be scheduled based on your individual hair growth patterns and body part(s) treated.

Can you remove soft downy facial hair?

We can safely remove the vellus (peach fuzz) hair on the face. The face is one of the most delicate areas for hair extraction, because of the dense amount of vellus hair. With one flick, we could remove about five hundred hairs. Since this type of hair sits on the nerve endings, it can set off the alarm in the nervous system. A patch test at your consultation can be performed if you have had a previous experience that gives you any hesitation.

Does sugaring hurt more when you have your menstrual cycle?

Some women are more sensitive at their time of the month so it is suggested you do not schedule your appointments to coincide with your menstrual cycle. Other women do not experience any increase in sensitivity.